Driving assessment

Sometimes enterprise marketers get their user journeys tangled, see it all the time. A product marketing manager gets the funding for a solitary tactical play, think marketing report to gate or calculator tool, for prospects to better assess their product and move them “closer“ to purchase. These content pieces or digital experiences are not easy or cheap to make, so the full attention goes to their creation. Yet as a stand alone I would have to classify these types of tactics as “random acts of marketing” and they don’t get you much. Why? Because they assume people will find them, understand them, and use them. Building a monument in the wilderness is useless without roads and sign posts to get yo ur audience engaged with what you have built.


  • Creative direction

  • Campaign direction


  • Brian Latta, Director

  • Liz Chatterton, Copywriting

  • Ryan Moore, Art direction  

  • Breanna Banford, Engagement

  • Run Kick Shout, Animation

And that’s were we found the good people at Google Workspace. The product is a natural fit for the enterprise so as they launched the rebranded product they wanted to go hard at technologies buyers in large companies world wide. So they built an assessment tool to better demonstrate the impact it can have on both business and cultural metrics. Great! Except is was buried as a page modular deep inside the jumbled product site experience. 

So it was our job to take the message right to the people to get them interested in dive straight in to the assessment tool with animated banner and pre-roll advertisements. We worked with the PMMs to establish a more effective user journey to took our audiences fast track from ad unit straight to assessment experience. The assessment ended with a two branch  path, self serve tech and addition content or contact sales for a live Q&A session. 

The visual language of your campaign was established by the assessment tool look and feel. We focused the messages on the key product value props and audience benefits while keeping the promise aspirational and grounded. Business buyers have proven to be skeptical about any message from Google that promises intangibles. The fun came in connecting the animated stories to the underline themes off the copy narrative. The little bibles became the stars of our spots. The sweeping camera movement gave their tiny world grandeur.