Building a big data ambassador

GE needed a way to connect people to the unseen

General Electric wants to show America how big data is making their lives better and how it is already baked into the world we live in. To do this we proposed a massive new initiative that would birth a new type of brand representative, a functioning autonomous ambassador robot that would meet humans on their level to demonstrate the integrated world of industrial information. Starting at universities and research facilities we will build an open source global project to build the Gea Rover. Set loose on in the world it will wonder the nation


  • Brand strategy

  • Ideation

  • Concept drawing


Gia Rover is the human machine ambassador that will bridge the gap between human society and the hidden machine infrastructure and pull back the curtain on how powerful and widespread GE’s big data is already improving our lives. Meant as a fully autonomous unit GE would call all universities and research labs to contribute to its creation and allow in-person and online interactions that highlight the accomplishments of GE’s industrial internet. 

My concept work was commissioned to illustrate how we could give such a being form and illustrate scenarios of use. I relied heavily on contemporary light manufacturing robots mobility platforms originally designed for telepresence and the disabled.